Setting Your S.M.A.R.T Lifestyle Goals
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- Specific - define the goal with clarity
- Measurable - define how success is achieved. Use an amount.
- Attainable - create small goals which build into life success.
- Relevant - ensure that the goals are YOURS and in alignment with what you want from life, based upon your core values and desires
- Time-Bound - set a deadline so that you focus and work towards your personal success
You have joined your tribe, chosen some Big Hairy Audacious Goals for your life, and assessed your current lifestyle/status. Congratulations!
Steps to Success
Now we start outlining the daily tasks and goals which will take us on this life journey. Just the goals!
In the next session/module, we will discuss the best ways to implement our goals (via habits and systems) without forcing pure willpower. For now, focus strictly on the small steps which take us from where we are to our ultimate life goals which create the lifestyle you desire.
So let’s review our financial Big Hair Audacious Goal. Write it down again. Now is the time to start posting this puppy in obvious places to remind you daily of what you are aiming for ultimately.
Assuming that you wrote a truly BIG goal here, we now need to write down our more realistic SMART goals which will take us step-by-step to our goal.
- Write down your list of tasks which you feel are necessary to achieve your BIG goal.
- Be thorough and specific. Make a huge list and go crazy for a while. Get all your thoughts and concerns out here.
Think of everything you want or simply know is necessary. Jot it down in a monster list.
Take your time and be thorough.
YOUR Goals
Each of these goals is unique and specific goal to your life. There is no standard fill-in-the-box success form. And that is good.
Achieving “success” according to another person’s goals is NEVER rewarding.
You may want to buy things. You may want to have life experiences. Or you may seek friendship and comfort in relationships. You might want to start a new career or improve your health. OR, if you are like me, you will want it all! It is entirely up to you.
We are each motivated and excited by different things. So let your imagination run wild. Dig deep into your dreams and give yourself permission to want something just for you.
Thus, do not exclude a goal just because you feel guilty or embarrassed.
These are your personal goals.
If you have always wanted to own a specific item, then treat yourself. If traveling to a unique location or going on a crazy adventure is your thing - do it!
Regardless, the satisfaction comes from the internal reward of setting goals which we personally achieve and feel proud of.
Start Now
Once you have your master list of financial goals, choose approximately 3 goals that you feel confident in tackling.
Set yourself up for success here so that you are motivated and confident to keep going.
Success breeds success. So having small, simple goals encourages us to attain our bigger goals and ultimate lifestyle.