Capturing Your Perfect Day

What am I doing? Where am I going? Is this really what I want?

Damn, if I had a nickel for every time I asked myself these questions.

First, it was, did I really want to go to college? Then it was, did I really want to be a chemical engineer? Then it became, was I sure I wanted to go to that university?

Then it got more interesting…

Did I want to stay in this marriage?

Did I want to throw it all away for this new man in my life?

Did I want to move to China?

Did I want to be an English teacher?

Did I want to become a salesperson?

Did I want to contribute to Dragon Burn?

Was I ready to leave China?

Was I ready to leave my relationship?

Was I ready to travel the world?

Was I ready to come back?

Was I ready to start a new business?

Was I ready to start a new relationship?

Was I ready to buy a house?

The point is, when you ask yourself those questions, you had better know the answer.

If you don’t, it’s easy to spiral into the world of "meh", "I don’t care," and "it doesn’t matter anyhow." This along the road leads to self-doubt and feeling disconnected from reality. This is when a “mid-life crisis” starts and you start upheaving your whole life for a “spiritual awakening” to go sail around the world on a yacht (which hey, that's awesome if that’s your goal).

In order to know the answer, you need a focal point. Something in the not too distant future. Something that’s just big enough to strive to obtain.

Not sure what I am talking about yet? That’s okay.

Let’s all take a McConaughey Break

  • Look up to someone that shows you the path. Gratitude and humbleness.
  • Look forward to family. Make someone proud.
  • To chase - who’s your hero. It’s me in 10 years.  

Matthew’s delivering the goods right there. Let’s break it down.

According to Matthew (and whoever taught him), there are 3 keys to success:

  • Those you look up to: someone that has a higher power, or perhaps someone that has walked the path that you seek and can lend you a hand. Whether it's an idol, a do-gooder, or a religious pious person, you need someone that is just a little higher than you to keep you humble. To keep you in your boots.
  • Someone to look forward to: What is the gift at the end of your day? Who inspires you to be a winner? To try harder? To work that harder little extra? What gives you anticipation?
  • Someone to chase: I love that Matthew chose himself in 10 years. This is probably the best answer I’ve heard. Knowing where you want to be in 10 years gives you a path. A unique path. It doesn’t matter if that path is well-tended or covered over in brush - it’s your path.

The Perfect Day

I believe that the most critical part of this entire Foundations Course is this module. More than your finances, more than your physical health. If you don’t know where you’re going, you can’t map it.

There is no way to have a path to somewhere if there is no destination.

It’s great to just live life, but for most, this breeds malcontent and restlessness. Humans are nomadic by nature and, just like the rest of life, to be sedentary is to be prey. To be weak.

Visualize Your Perfect Day

So let us begin:

You’ll need an afternoon to think about this. It’s not something that you can complete in a lunch break. (Some say it can be done in 30 minutes, but I think the best and most real days are well-considered.)

When I did this exercise, I went on a 5-hour road trip. Nothing but me and the thoughts of my future.

Focus on the following when envisioning your perfect day:

- What are your habits?

- What are your passions?

- What are you doing for a living?

- What is giving you purpose?

- What are your hobbies?

- Be bold! What are your accomplishments?

- How do you feel? What do you see? What do you smell?

The Path

State your affirmations. Define yourself and your perfect day.

Where are you? Are you a go-getting, stay-at-home mom of 2? Are you an entrepreneur that travels? Are you healthy and enjoying your retirement?

What's mine? A go-getting jet-setter? You can see my perfect day exercise here:

Now it’s time to build a bridge or start forming a path. Imagine someone draws a path from the person you are right now to the person that you describe in that picture. What are the biggest changes along that path?

Personal Transformation

Where are you now?    

Working full-time for another company. Making money for entities that are selfish. Working 45 hours a week

Where are you on your perfect day?

Working 25 hours a week and having residual income. Working for myself. Doing work that is transformative for others

Social Transformation

Where are you now?    

Trying to build new friendships

Where are you on your perfect day?

Surrounded by like-minded women, friends, and family that support me.

Financial Transformation

Where are you now?

Trying to save for the future. Trying to buy a house

Where are you on your perfect day?

Financially comfortable. Owning several properties

Physical Transformation

Where are you now?

23% body fat and constantly bloated.

Where are you on your perfect day?

Physically fit. Eating confidence. Really toned arms and a defined mid section.


In case you need some reassurance before you go soul searching, let me tell you why this is important. A perfect day and a path make sure that you are in alignment. That you are putting out into the world the person that you want to become.

Having a sense of direction and a purpose will make every step you take count.

No more will you be wondering what you should be doing with your life. You will know the next couple of steps and have tangible steps to get there.

This eradicates the rest of the guesswork. Everyday you will know what you are getting up for, what you are fighting for, and what is your purpose.

There will be 100% clarity.

You will be locked in and undistracted. You will stop procrastinating and feel motivated by your own life and dreams not the dreams of others.

Most importantly, you are living the life that is important to you. To satisfy your own hopes and dreams instead of someone else’s. You can eradicate yourself of the hopes and expectations of others and live in a purely positive self loving way.

You will be on your unique path.

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